As we march firmly into the heart of fall and Q4, AWS continues to bring on the treats with more than a few tricks up its sleeves. This month’s list will be a bit shorter, as Amazon gears up for the biggest cloud computing conference in the world, AWS re:Invent, but I think you’ll still… Continue reading Vulnerability Detection in Containerized Architectures on AWS
Category: News and Events
A Guide to Predicting Future Outcomes with Amazon Forecast
As machine learning initiatives become more prominent across companies looking to leverage their data to improve future projections and decision-making, demand for frameworks that simplify ML model development has been soaring. In part 1 of this series, we looked at the challenges faced in ML model development and deployment that have resulted in the failure… Continue reading A Guide to Predicting Future Outcomes with Amazon Forecast
Five Simple Rules for a Successful Hybrid Cloud Architecture on AWS
We live in a uniquely challenging world today where we find ourselves in an unpredictable situation. Organizations across industries have shown inspiring efforts with programs to support the fight against COVID-19, and have implemented strategies to maintain productivity and customer delivery in these changing times. As a result of this, a majority of the… Continue reading Five Simple Rules for a Successful Hybrid Cloud Architecture on AWS